Sunday, April 12, 2015

Assignment #7: Simple Animation

The seventh assignment involved creating a simple animation using the techniques covered throughout the course up to this point. I decided to get started on my final project and animate the assembly of basic cubes (to use later in my final Menger Sponge animation). The cubes started out as a net, which is basically the shape you would get if you unfolded all sides of a cube. This shape then begins to animate and the initial cubes take shape from the original nets. These cubes then duplicate and assemble themselves to create a stage-1 Menger Sponge. This is the basic concept behind my final project. The goal would then be to use the stage-1 Menger Sponges as building blocks for the next Menger Sponge (showing the fractal nature of this design). This process will ultimately repeat until a Stage-4 or 5 Menger Sponge is created. However here is the basic animation that I have up to this point:

Step 1: The flattened cube (net)
Step 2: Cube assembly in progress
Step 3: Completed cubes
Step 4: Cubes duplicate
Step 5: Stage-1 Menger starts to take shape
Step 6: Completed Stage-1 Menger Sponge.

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